(Natural Sciences, 2014)

Dr Shirley Bekker

Dr Shirley Bekker

Dr Shirley Bekker

Shirley set her sights on a Cambridge education from a young age, “I had ambitions of attending Cambridge after visiting in Year 9 on a school trip, organised through an outreach programme.” Her first encounter with Corpus came later when she attended a University summer school, through a social mobility foundation programme.

“I noted that Corpus offered a social yet intimate environment; stunning lawns and architecture; and a positive culture that gave rise to a close network between staff and students. I made the decision to make an application to Corpus to read Natural Sciences.”

At the point of applying, she notes that only one student from her “underperforming inner-city state school” had ever attended an Oxbridge university. Something she found shocking and resulted in her growing passion for outreach and social mobility.

In a bid to make a change, Shirley made annual visits back to her school, running voluntary university application and interview workshops. “I also wanted to make an impact beyond my school, so during my second year at Corpus I started a YouTube channel, to give students access to university application advice and provide an insight into university life.” To date the YouTube channel has gained 47,000 subscribers and over 2.5 million views.

Despite her enthusiasm to support others on their journey to Cambridge, Shirley found the transition from A Levels to undergraduate study a challenge. “I really struggled academically during my first year at Cambridge. Professor Ewan St. John Smith, my pastoral tutor and pharmacology supervisor, offered so much patience, care and genuine understanding during this time. His supervisions and general persistent encouragement played a big role in my academic turnaround.

“Looking back on my time at Corpus, I have so many wonderful memories, from celebrating pancake day in the Master's Lodge, to joining College societies, to hiring out the Corpus punt. My fondest memory was the simple tea and biscuit evenings we would have in another college member's (Hina) room. It brought together Corpuscles from other matriculation years, cultures, backgrounds, subjects and life interests. I loved being surrounded by inspiring and diverse minds and conversations, something that has not been easily replicated outside of my time at Corpus. If there was one thing I could go back to experience, it would be a tea and biscuit open-door session in Hina's room.”

After graduating Shirley started a career in risk analysis at Fintech, but quickly recognised that she lacked the passion and drive to be fulfilled by this career. So, she applied to study Graduate Medicine at Hughes Hall College, Cambridge, spending the intervening year working as an unqualified teacher at her former school.

“My goal was to raise attainment and generate access. I was able to raise the attainment for GCSE groups from a 13% pass rate to a 100% A* - B at national examination, with many of the students eventually having gone on to study STEM subjects at top UK universities.”

Shirley has now completed her studies in Medicine and Surgery, along with a Postgraduate Certificate in Secondary Education. She also continues to work in outreach, supporting the Corpus Bridging Programme - a widening participation initiative designed to help students from under-represented backgrounds transition from school to university, and delivering STEM workshops at St John’s College to sixth form students from across South London.

“This year, I will be starting my career as a junior doctor at a hospital in the east of England, with aspirations to specialise in women’s health. I intend to use my skills and qualifications in teaching to continue to contribute to social mobility, outreach, and educational endeavours.

“My experiences at Corpus taught me to be grateful for opportunities and experiences while you have them, to use them and enjoy them!”

Visiting Corpus after MB BChir Graduation

Visiting Corpus after MB BChir Graduation 

Visiting Corpus after MB BChir Graduation 

"If there was one thing I could go back to experience, it would be a tea and biscuit open-door session in Hina's room"
Graduation Formal (Corpus Chemists)

Graduation Formal (Corpus Chemists)

Graduation Formal (Corpus Chemists)

Making memories in New Court

Making memories in New Court

Making memories in New Court

Graduation Formal

Graduation Formal

Graduation Formal

Corpus Christi May Ball 2017

Corpus Christi May Ball 2017 

Corpus Christi May Ball 2017